The Weekly Word: Impractical

The Weekly Word: Impractical

You know, a while back, I realized while I tended to make “smart” choices, I was not always practical. This was a revelation to me, as I had always assumed making thought out plans meant I was a practical person. The truth is, though, I slowly became more...
The Weekly Word: Chasing Slow

The Weekly Word: Chasing Slow

Somewhere in the last year, in an effort to streamline my writing and the focus of my business, I have found myself writing specific things. One weekly word, one fun newsletter, and some decorating, painting, or life pursuits sprinkled in. While in this season of my...
On Clarity: The Weekly Word

On Clarity: The Weekly Word

“I need clarity.” She said it matter of factly, and in exactly the way I would. I was talking with a friend last week, and that ever present question came up. I can go this way or that way…what do I do; I am SO confused? The coach and fixer in me...
25 Things

25 Things

Do you remember these posts?? If you have been around the blog since the beginning you will know these “25 Things” posts were a staple. The idea was to share 25 things you might not know about me, or even just a stream of consciousness list…I have...