by shaunnawest | Oct 26, 2023 | Writing
My spine goes cold & yet, beads of sweat burst from my forehead. Shit. It’s happening. Nothing was “wrong.” I was playing a game with the kids & have no current mental stressors, no obvious triggers. Before I can blink, the room spins, my chest seizes, and my...
by shaunnawest | Apr 19, 2023 | Writing
*this was written in early February, in the messy middle of a season of fighting for my children. I hope you find encouragement from it… No one is awake & I am alone. I’m alone with my thoughts. I’m alone while I sit here, in this living room, feeling the...
by shaunnawest | Dec 8, 2022 | Writing
Oh the traditions and the rush of this season (and this life, really). I am continuing to learn the sacred act of choosing myself, and choosing my family over seasonal performance. To choose what really works for us and fills us up, instead of chasing an idea of what...
by shaunnawest | Oct 26, 2022 | Writing, Lifestyle/Travel
Hello, today I’m sharing 25 ways to find fall magic with you! I’m a big list person. I love lists for to do’s, and I love funny lists, and I love lists that inspire. There are seasons special to me, but I have to say Fall is just magical. It feels...
by shaunnawest | Sep 26, 2022 | Writing, Lifestyle/Travel
My friend Michael at Inspired by Charm shared a life update a couple of weeks ago, and it made me miss the old days of blogging so much! We really did journal our lives on our blogs, and you all came along side us. While I love the style of writing I share, it was...
by shaunnawest | Aug 23, 2022 | Writing
You know, a while back, I realized while I tended to make “smart” choices, I was not always practical. This was a revelation to me, as I had always assumed making thought out plans meant I was a practical person. The truth is, though, I slowly became more...