Simple DIY Gold Leaf Planters

I think sometimes we make crafting too complicated. We bloggers come up with cutesy projects and your Pinterest homepage quickly clogs with everything handmade tied/ruffled and feathered under the sun.  There’s nothing wrong with cutesy inspiration...
A Loft Fort Bed

A Loft Fort Bed

Right before Christmas, Matt decided we should rip out Gray’s floor and build him a bed.  One week out until the big day. What the what? But I got out of the way, and let him love his boy, and well, he built the bed and changed the flooring in enough time to...
My #1 Tip for Mixing Milk Paint

My #1 Tip for Mixing Milk Paint

I have learned to love milk paint. I have to admit that though my sweet friend, Marian, was coming out with her own line of milk paint  over a year ago, and I was excited for her and to try it, milk paint was not my favorite medium to work with.  I didn’t...
Trunk Side Table Makeover

Trunk Side Table Makeover

Morning, lovely people. I canceled my dentist appointment…again.  I know, random.  But, I may need to know there are other “cancelers” out there like me.  Woke up with a crazy headache and I couldn’t imagine them digging around in my head for an hour...
More Furniture Waxing Tips

More Furniture Waxing Tips

Happy Monday to you guys! Matt and I spent our weekend purging the garage–and let me tell you something: it was hoarder central in there!  We barely made it out of there. Well, a little dramatic, but it. was. bad. Before we show you the scariness that is our...

dry brushing furniture | video tutorial

Waaay back when I revealed the Wisteria-inspired chest of drawers (the one that graces the cover of my ebook), it became the focus of lots of furniture painting questions for me. A couple of weeks ago, I revealed this french chair, and same thing.  Time to create a...