Sweet House Alabama: The Herndon House

Sweet House Alabama: The Herndon House

Well here we go.  This post is the one you guys have been asking for since the airing of our pilot, Sweet House Alabama, on HGTV. This will be quite lengthy, but this project was a huge undertaking and I want you to have all of our sources in one spot. We were so...
Ironstone Rocking Chair

Ironstone Rocking Chair

I can honestly say that the last few weeks have flown.  There’s so much going on at the shop & homeschooling and we’re in the middle of soccer and there’s talk of pop-up shops, and the Chapel Market is next weekend.  Needless to say, I’ve...
My Favorite White Paint Colors

My Favorite White Paint Colors

  One of the questions I’m asked most is about my favorite white paint colors.  I’m working on updating the FAQ’s section of the blog but I thought this one needed answering in a new post. When we changed our entire home from dark to light, I...
Dry Brushing Video Tutorial

Dry Brushing Video Tutorial

Hello there, friends! I’ve decided that it’s time to bring back some posts from way back when…those buried in the archives of this 4 year old blog.  I’ll occasionally post an old tutorial on Saturday’s instead of a Worthy Reading links.  This...