Haven Conference, Inside Scoop, & Agoraphobia

Haven Conference, Inside Scoop, & Agoraphobia

If you’re hopping over from Brooke at All Things Thrifty, welcome!  I’m happy to be joining in this blog hop today to chat up Haven Conference happening in Atlanta, Georgia, on August 5-7. For those of you who don’t know, Haven is a DIY/Design...
Salt Wash

Salt Wash

Speaking of paint inspired, we found a new product we’re thrilled about… If you follow us on Instagram, Facebook, or Periscope, you’ve seen us talking about Salt Wash.  It’s a powder additive that can be mixed with any paint to create a...
Shop Instagram Moments

Shop Instagram Moments

Since market, we’ve been all kinds of paint inspired.  Working on window display ideas, bringing in new products, filing some pieces away to paint. Case in point…. working on prep for a spring window paint display filming a quick salt wash tutorial on...


I read my friend Marian’s post this week.  I loved her words. I lived my life this last year.  Hard.  I have never felt more imperfect than I do right now. R.M. Drake But never have I felt more at peace with myself. Don’t fear the broken places, friends....
Guest Room Redecorating

Guest Room Redecorating

Way, way back when (I had no idea how to pick a paint color), our guest room looked like this…. Eesh. Not only did we have a Scorsese red going, it was also a semi-gloss finish.  Good Lord it was bad. Once I started brightening up our house, the guest room was...
Behind the Scenes at PI/FS

Behind the Scenes at PI/FS

Just a few snippets from around the shops this week…     1. in love with our vintage chenille candy canes at both stores & the red/leather sofa combo at Factory South 2. book tree Kaitlyn put together. it’s sort of adorable. 3. had my sweet...