by shaunnawest | Feb 4, 2017 | Archive
In light of my most recent post, I thought it fitting to answer this question—-what have I been doing??? It’s so interesting to me that minus the year I wrote the book, these last couple of years have been my most creative…and I’ve barely recorded it. So what I...
by shaunnawest | Nov 27, 2016 | Archive
Listen. I know everyone thinks their kids are cute. I know they’re mostly just cute to us. But in the spirit of that (and the fact that I had zero desire to decorate the house for Christmas today & she got me into it), I’m going to record a few of...
by webmaster | Nov 22, 2016 | Archive
You know, I’ve spent the last few months with this on my mind. That so much of life is love and loss. Strip away the work, the list, the busyness. So much of it is these. That so much of the time we spend is either loving or losing. That we are much of the time...
by shaunnawest | Nov 21, 2016 | Archive
Whew. Well the blog/site have been dooowwwnnn for about 3 weeks. Thanks for your patience there, guys. Since then, Stephanie’s playroom is pretty much complete. I only have to hang a couple more pieces of art and shoot the space. Remember I said we had a...
by shaunnawest | Oct 5, 2016 | Archive
Because heirloom pumpkins might be one of my very favorite things on earth. Forget a bouquet of flowers. Give me pretty pumpkins. We’re slowly recovering from The Market on Chapel Hill…all the display pics coming soon!
by shaunnawest | Sep 7, 2016 | Archive
We’re currently buzzing around PI. Literally. I have 2-3 huge design projects going right now (yep I’ll fill you in soon), and we’re gearing up for The Market on Chapel Hill and the fall shopping season for the online store. My work in Opelika has...