Productivity & Messes

Productivity & Messes

We’ve talked about it before. The perfectly styled rooms (well, not perfect, but you know what I mean), & the super-tidy spaces. It’s not reality.  In fact, these are fleeting and momentary, usually lasting just long enough for me to snap a picture for...
Wooden Vase & Target Threshold

Wooden Vase & Target Threshold

Remember that blue glass floor vase I blogged about the other day? That beautiful friend of his–the wooden flower vase–is making its way all the way around our house. We picked it up at Target, and y’all if you can’t tell already, I am LOVING...
some living room updates

some living room updates

Walking around the house last week I realized I haven’t shown you much of our house lately. Hardly at all, really. We’ve been in shop mode, but we’re also in a “finishing things up” phase around here. Matt and I are notorious almost...
rotating decor vs. investment decor

rotating decor vs. investment decor

Good Monday to you, friends. Warning: scary pictures ahead. Waaay back when, when I decorated my house in a fine way, but not really the way that spoke to me most, and then I realized it, it was time for a change. When we craved the lighter and more casual, I first...