Favorite DIY Projects of 2011

Hey there party people! My vacation this week was totally unplanned and completely perfect. Let me tell you:  Sometimes you have to ignore all the, “but I’m supposed to’s” in your life, shut the so called laptop, and just breathe. Take a little...

on nate today & things to know

Good morning, friends! I’m up early today. It’s one of those days I’ll probably look out my window quite often, and think about how blessed I am…how thankful I am for you and this place I call home–my blog, that is. For those of you who...

muse my furniture-stephanie’s dresser

Welcome to the first Muse My Furniture! What is it? Your furniture, your questions.  My thoughts and maybe a little inspiration for you.  Now, this is not scientific by any means, and any drawing I complete will be quite elementary.  But…maybe it’ll get...

Summer decorating

We’re in major project mode here, and loving every second, but I had to take a little break this weekend to pull some summer into our living spaces. The foyer has seen some Christmas whimsy and a book inspired look, but it was feeling a little heavy for summer....