1. My brother recently told me he was going to start the anti-perfectlyimperfectblog. post pictures of our house in a mess, take a picture of me frustrated with the kids. This should have horrified me. Instead, it made me laugh til I cried. I’m still laughing, and I think it would be REALLY funny if he would just go through with it already.
2. Yesterday my workout was so hard that I literally blogged several posts ahead and sat on the couch all day, catching up with The Biggest Loser and The Secret Circle. Yes, I watch stuff like that.
3. I keep almost ordering this Ballard fabric, but then something random happens and my cart loses all info. And then I forget to order for a few more days and the cycle continues.
4. You know that post I wrote on real organizing? Can someone write one for me? I had to clean our messy mess all day.
5. I hate laundry.
6. I love writing.
7. The Smurfs was good then, and it’s good now.
8. My iPhone keeps changing words to Allen. Why, you ask? Great question, great question.
9. Ava only wants to wear her hair in a pebbles-style ponytail. I think it’s adorable.
10. Ava’s ponytail probably horrifies the other moms.
11. Grayson is the handsomest boy I know.
12. I’m a fickle, fickle decorator. I love too many styles, all at once.
13. Julie (one of my bff’s) is currently texting me begging me to come pick Ava up. Good, sounds like they had a great day.
14. I hate C.C. (my trainer) every morning at approximately 8:31 a.m. I get over it as the inches shed away.
15. Where does the day go??? Oh yeah, me watching the Biggest Loser because I can’t move.
16. Wondering if Matt hangs his coats up? Ever…and I’m not kidding. They’re everywhere. I’m jealous of his coat collection.
17. Also wonder when we’ll go on a date again.
18. I had the kids bathed and in pj’s by 3:42 p.m. today. Hmm, am I trying to turn them into myself?
19. I am sooo intriqued by idea of hiring an assistant or intern. Maybe I’ll get one?
20. I wonder if I’ll ever finish painting the hutch. It’s not the quickest hand-painting I’ve ever done.
21. PUMPED about getting contributors started–I think you’re going to love them!
22. I really want to write another ebook. Or better yet, a REAL, live book. Anybody know any publishers? I’ll definitely have to hire an assistant in either case.
23. New York is calling my name again–I don’t know why going back is so on my mind.
24. I’ve had approximately 5 cups of coffee today. ???
25. 25 thoughts doesn’t even begin to cover the randomness of my brain.
P.S. At what number did you decide I’m losing it?
I love this post. Mainly because this is how my brain works too. I laughed the whole way through.
Perfect. Or Perfectly Imperfect…whichever you prefer. That’s what this post was…
My fave was that the kids are bathed and in pj’s at 3:30. I LOVE to know that the kids are ready for bed and I have one less thing hanging over my head so I put them in their pj’s before dinner often 🙂
Hilarious! I had 6 cups of coffee yesterday before I finished painting my kitchen cabinets. BAD IDEA! I was shaking like a leaf!
Please get an assistant and write a real book!
I think #24 probably explains #25! It would affect me that way at any rate. Gosh I love #18! If I could get the 15 & 13 year old to buy in the 6 year old would love it. Have a great evening.
You are the cutest! I love how your brain works. Probably cause it’s very similar to mine. Except my random posts aren’t as cute as yours. So how is that personal training thing working out? I need to get back into working out, but at home there are too many distractions and things I think I should be doing. Might be an avoidance thing! 🙂 Debating about getting a gym membership, because then I wouldn’t have an excuse. At least, it used to work that way prior to having kids! Now, if only I had more than 1 hour of kid-free time per week…
Excited for you with all you have coming up! I think it’s wonderful that you’re getting noticed!
p.s. The Vampire Diaries and The Secret Circle are my guilty pleasures. Apparently I’m still 15.
At least your little one will let you put her hair up. My 2 year old refuses to have her hair up and since it is a battle not worth fighting, I don’t make her. The other moms probably wonder why my daughter always looks like I just found her in the jungle. PS. I loved your E book and would totally buy a real one. PSS. I would love to see pics of your mess because it would make feel better about mine.
I’m a ‘Supernatural’ and food network marathon girl myself 🙂
Very funny and I think it is the five cups of coffee that is to blame. As for showing the real side I think blogs are like magazines. We all love to look at the pretty pictures as our own homes show us the messies.
Oh you’re cracking me up, I can so relate. I feel like I just had a conversation with you, sort of. Beneath the madness you sound quite happy and content to me which is the best “thing” of all.
“madness” meaning the chaos in your home not your head – which sounds pefectly normal to me.
haha, so true. Always crazy racing mind…no matter how much coffee, but quite content. 🙂
#12 is so me too. I love too many looks.
A-MEN! To #5!
I knew there was a reason why I liked you….
Tell your brother “Uh…Jealous?..Party of ONE your table is ready 😉
LOL! Love this post! Your brain sounds like that of a typical woman to me! A gazillion things on our minds at all times! Last night I was on Pinterest before bed….Bad, Bad Idea!!
Not sure I ever felt you were losing it – I’m a mom of 3 who works from home, so I TOTALLY get it. It’s just the pace of life – constant demand and interruption makes anyone rather ADD-like. And I laughed at how #24 explained #25!
Still having such a small blog I think I may scare people away with my laundry lists of thoughts, however coming from you it is PERFECTLY PERFECT, perhaps I should throw caution to the wind and start writing more.
Thanks for making me smile today!!!!
LOVE this post. The randomness that runs through my mind is crazy. May you should start a weekly 25 things.
Me = #12 exactly!
This could be my brain too. I like to think of it as “organized chaos”…without the organize 🙂 I wish I could get my family on board with #18! Sounds great to me!! Not sure what my 6 and 7 year old would think though…
My husband leaves his coats all over the house, too. And he and both girls leave their shoes all over the house – and never in pairs! And many times I will watch Hoarders or Clean Sweep just to feel a little better about my messy nest!
YOU get frustrated with your kids??? Your brother has to do that… It’ll make us all feel better. 🙂
Have you considered a virtual assistant? I’ve heard from several people who’ve hired them that it’s more efficient and less expensive. Just a thought 🙂
lol, Catherine…probably should consider that!
Jill from http://www.theprairiehomestead.com recommended your site. This is my first time here and the first post I’ve ever read from you…WOW, I can relate. A new faithful reader. My husband told me today that my last blog was “disjointed” and I attempted (in a disjointed way) to explain the female brain. I might just have him read this blog!
Lol. Love this post. Creative and humorous! Good for you on the trainer! I started back to the gym and pilates last week. Now I have a cold so I’m not working out for a couple of days…but I’m eating mostly homemade chicken soup – so I figure it’s an okay trade!
Oh and p.s. Dean has wayyyyy more SHOES than I do! Ha! And he is forever taking over the shoe rack by the front door with just his shoes!