Happy Saturday!
I’m so very overwhelmed this week.
Overwhelmed with gratitude, that is.
It seems that this itty-bitty thing has turned into a part-time job, this squeaking turning well-oiled machine that I thrive to operate, that I am inspired by, that I love.
I love writing for/with you guys. I hope you hear me. I LOVE it. As big things are happening behind the scenes, I want you to keep hearing that….man, it almost seems crazy, but you guys are such a huge part of my world now. I cannot imagine you not being in it.
Soooo, being the sap that I am, I’m going to say it again….thank you. Also, I’m shouting a humble thanks this week to my new readers. Thanks for hanging out!
You guys are all dream-makers.
Can you believe it??? This thing was a simple idea, a dream, and it’s finally coming to existence. You can read more about the beginning of this journey here.
I’m pulling out the green pen (because red is kind of scary) for editing, and working on implementing the design with my incredible friend and partner, Lauren.
It’s time to give you an idea of what this thing is all about….what you’ll be getting.
*this is a book. yes, it’s electronic, but I wanted to write a book. One with beautiful graphics and appealing layout. One with beautiful typography and creative design. I wanted it to feel like me…on a page. 😉
*fully interactive. It will include turning pages, links, photography, and video.
*not your basic how to paint guide. while those are wonderful (and how can we do without a “how-to?”), this book is about “Creating Your Masterpiece”….it’s about how we create warmth and character for our homes through the art of painting/refinishing our furniture.
We’ll go through several finishing treatments: stripping and re-staining, basic painting techniques, dry brushing, Wisteria-inspired and layered finishes, glazing/staining, and sealing. There will be full-video tutorials for glazing a professional finish and even tricks for natural distressing. It cannot possibly cover everything, so there are already plans for supplemental guides!
*Broken into 3 sections….The Vision, The Work, The Masterpiece. The Vision will cover how we find and become inspired by our piece, the work covers the step-by-step how to’s (including pictures for steps!), and the Masterpiece will focus on the finished products…detailed descriptions of treatment processes for lots of work (all photographed) and the fun stuff….hardware and styling.
*My prayer is that this book is not simply informative, but inspires you to pick up your paintbrush and create masterpieces for your families to cherish forever.
Ready to read yet??
The book will launch around the beginning of March! I’m so excited I can hardly wait! I will be offering a deep discount to my email list, so if you want to be included please leave me a comment in this post leaving your email address. (if you don’t have a google friend account, simply comment anonymously and leave your email)
There will also be a discount for you guys on Launch Day, and after the first 24 hours, the book will sell for regular price. Be sure to join me on Facebook and Twitter as discount codes, specials, and giveaway’s (at this blog and others) will be announced there.
I am going to affiliate advertise, however, I only want to place this book in places where it fits well, where my advertisers would truly benefit from it. It’s not about me putting it out there everywhere….but you enjoying it! If you are interested, please email me at shaunna@harristire.com with “Ebook Affiliate Advertising” as the subject.
Speaking of you guys and your brilliance, I wanted to show off some of your work that caught my eye last week at Style Feature Saturday. We are traveling this weekend, so I may run a weekday edition this week.
Thanks to everyone for linking up….here are a few of my favorites:
Pottery Barn Number Art @ Sassy Style
French Dresser @ Primitive and Proper
Cool Shelf Re-do @ Texas Tales
Beautiful DIY Kitchen @ Creating Balance
Enviable Pantry Makeover @ Sand and Sisal
Wisteria (i like these 🙂 Inspired Dresser @ Down on Sanford
Don’t forget to leave me your email address for the first news on the book….can’t wait to see what you think!
I’ll be back tomorrow with some details on the guest room.
Thinking of you while I write today…
I would love to be on your e-mail list, I can't wait to have your e-book and learn from such a talented person!!!! I have the vision, now for some execution! You are truly an inspiration!
Hi Shaunna~
I can't wait!! My email address is laurenmiller80@hotmail.com
Can't wait for it's release!! My email is:
Shaunna, I have been enjoying your blog for a couple months now, after seeing the makeover you did for our mutual friend, Lisa Shaffer. I love your style! Please add me to your email list. My address is AHughes730@gmail.com. Thank you!
I'm so excited for your shaunna! Oh, and for me…I have quite a few pieces that I'm looking forward to painting with your tecniques. Praying for safe travels for you!
Wow! You have been busy! I'm so looking forward to your book! Have a great week!
Love your blog! You are so creative and talented! I would love to be on your email list! Excited about your book!
I am looking forward to your E-book Shaunnna and being inspired by all of your creativity. Best wishes! 😉
Please let me know when your book is released.
I would love to be on your list for your book!
i would love to be on your list!!
I can't wait to have your e-book. mandi_lyn_douglas@yahoo.com
I am so excited about your e-book. Sounds like it will be the one to have.
I am dying to paint, distress and glaze an enormous farmhouse table I have, but I am patiently waiting the release of your book first. I am so inspired by all you do. Please keep me updated: humanmommy@gmail.com . Thanks.
Please add me to your email list, looking forward to reading your book. kimm2649@gmail.com
hello!! I just started following you but, please include me…
Please add me to your email list!
I would love to get in on your book also!
hey lady! first of all, congrats on the ds feature! 🙂 secondly, yay for the ebook! i am so happy for you! thirdly, thanks for featuring my dresser! and can i say i want that pantry!
I can't wait for you ebook! I love following your work and the blog…this gives me something to look forward to in addition to your daily posts.
So excited about your ebook and proud of you for going for it!!! please add me to your email list lori_bethancourt@yahoo.com
That is soooo exciting !
Ohhhh most definitely. And congratulations, what a lot of work. kmgrissen@gmail.com
Can't wait for the how-to book! Congrats!
How exciting for you!! I am sure that it will be fabulous! Also-thank you so much for featuring my number projects. It made my week!! Please make sure to include me in your book release info! sassygirlshop@comcast.net
Congrats on the book can't wait please add me to your email list nikkipr@telus.net
Please add me to your email list!
Please add me to your email list, too. Love your blog!
I can't wait for your new book! I am so inspired by your words and pictures. Thanks for taking the time to do this. I would love to be added to your email list. carrie.roerig@gmail.com
Put me on the list too. I just discovered your blog and I'm totally hooked.
Love your blog and especially your furniture refinishing techniques. Would love to get more info
Oh, wow this is right up my alley…sounds great and count me in..jkneumann(at)gmail(dot)com
I would love to have you e-book. Love your work.
Congratulations on your e-book! You go Girl! Can't wait to read and learn from it!
I can't wait for your ebook!
Yes, yes, yes, put me on your mailing list for your e-book! I love your blog and your work, and want to be able to copy, uummmm, that is, flatter you with my poor attempts to simulate your beautiful work 🙂
would love to be included on the list:
loving the idea of your ebook. Keep me posted and keep bringing on the fabulous ideas!
I can't wait to see the book!
I cannot wait to purchase your book! Here is my email so hook me up!
Please put me on your email list ;)
I would love to be included on your email list, Thank you!
I'm impatient! CAN'T WAIT. Please include email: kasienoble@gmail.com
Sounds great! Put me down pls :o) ny_nycole at yahoo dot com
Can't wait! bbaxstall@hotmail.com
I'd love to be on the list (rachelgill3@gmail.com). Can't wait for the launch!
I would love to be on the e-mail list.
I would love to be on your e-mail list too.
Please add me to your list! abassfreeman@yahoo.com
I would love to be added to your e-mail list. Am looking forward to your e-book!
I've been waiting to refinish a few pieces until I can read your e-book….can't wait for it's release! Thanks!
cant wait for your book. add me to your list
If it's not too late, please, please add me to the list. This is exactly what I've been waiting for.
Please add me to your list, moklak@watcon-inc.com
Book sounds great! Keep me posted. Thanks.
Sign me up!
I would love to be on this list! Can’t wait to see it 🙂
Please add me to your e-mail list. So excited, can’t wait! I don’t know if I can ever produce the same results that you do, but I would like to try. Thank you for being willing to share and for all of your hard work in putting together the book.
I would love to be added to your email list. Cannot wait to see your e-book. Thanks!
Love your blog & can’t wait for the ebook!
Please add me to your mailing list!
Please add me to the list: chvallance@yahoo.com.
I thought I had already added my email, but I don’t see it… so just in case! Please add 🙂
i’d love to be on the email list – laurenhaack@hotmail.com
Add me to the email list: dimill@bigpond.net.au
Excited about your book…..I’ve got several pieces of furniture just waiting to be brought to life…..email. address: charlotteabrewer@gmail.com. Thanks
I’ve been anxiously waiting for you e-book. Can’t wait to see it. Add me to your list please. stephc102@gmail.com
Very excited about the book- katherine_jamieson@yahoo.com
Please include me on your e-mail list. cbrothers2@twcny.rr.com
I can’t wait! gabfaith1@aol.com
So excited! Please add me to the ebook email list!
I am so excited. I have several pieces to do, now I just need the book!
email list please
yes please sign me up for info on this book!! I cant wait!
Me too! Please sign me up for info on this book!!!!
Hi Shaunna,
Please put me on your email list for your E-book.
Love your style will look for your book!
Sign me up!! I’d love to be able to use your help via your book! Thanks so much, Mary
would love to be on your email list !
I can add ya, melissa, but the book is out and released! 🙂 Find it here…
Can’t wait to see your new book!
Thanks, Iris! It’s released now…you can find a preview and it here….
Looking forward to your e book linda
Looking forward to your ebook linda
Hey Linda! It’s out!! You can find it on
I would love to check out the ebook!
Please put me on your email list!
I hope I am not too late to be added to your email list. Cant wait to see the ebook, you are so inspiring!! 🙂
Hey Lindsea! Thank you so much…that’s very kind of you to say. The eBook is released now…you can find it under the ebook tab. 🙂
Please send me the book announcements and discount!
Just found your blog and can’t believe how great it is. CANNOT WAIT for the book!! Thanks.
Thanks SO much, Sandy! It’s out now and you can find it at https://www.perfectlyimperfectblog.com/ebook
Let me know what you think!
I am very interested in knowing more hands on tecniques for painting furniture!
Wow just found this information, please sign me up~
Please add me to your list!
Hey Kelly!
The book is released! You can find it on the ebook page. 😀
Sounds exciting! Sign me up!
I started my own business last year doing faux finishing and decorative painting. I took quite a few classes to get me started, but I’ve also found so much incredible information online…very interested in your book and definitely want to be added to your email list!
That’s awesome, Michelle! The ebook is out and you can find it under the ebook tab in the navigation bar up top. Thanks for your sweet comment.
Congratulations! I’m excited about seeing the new book! I’ll want to view it as soon as it’s released! Can’t wait to see all your work!
Margie ~
Congratulations! I can’t wait to see all your work! Thanks for sharing, I’m looking forward to your new book.
Margie O. Holloway
Congratulations! Can’t wait to see your book!
I would love to be added to your email list
Thank you for the inspiration. How do I get the book?
Hey Donna! You head over to the ebook tab at the top of the blog–there’s an interactive version and a PDF…thanks so much for reading!
I would like to be added to you e-mail list.
I would like to be added to you e-mail list please.
Please let me know when the book is launched bebo10400@yahoo.com
Can’t wait!
i would love to be on your email list!! is there going to be an actual book released or just an online one?? my email is darcicampbell@aol.com thx!! 🙂
Hey Darci…it’s already out online only. 🙂 You can find it under eBook. Thanks!
Love it, cant wait…tellis0127@yahoo.com
Add me to your list.
Add me, thanks.
I cannot wait for this book. the kitchen you did is phenomenal!
after spending the past couple of weeks on a learn as I go and doing a lot of redoing, I am so looking forward to your book. Please add me to the list. Love following you.
I really need this book.
Please add me to your growing list of names!
I would love to be kept abreast of what is happening!
I would love to be on your Email list. I have a kitchen in bad need of updating and I want something unique. Can’t wait to get your book!
I would love to be included in your new endeavor. Thanks!
I want to try this with so many of my old pieces, but just need a push to get started.
Maybe this e-book will be just the thing!
Your excitement about your ebook is contagious! I am looking forward to reading the information and putting it to use in my home.
Please put me on your list. I have so many questions on techniques that I am resorting to trying anything once to see if it works! I think I need your book!
Hi from England! Please put me on your list – i want that ebook!!!
Love the work you do. Can’t wait for the e-book. Thanks
Hi there! Wanted to let you know the ebook is out! Find it under the navigation bar–eBook.
THanks so much for reading!
Eager to read this book!
Looking forward to your e-book launch. Please add me to your e-mail list.
Looking forward to your book!
I can’t wait to see the book!
I would like to be emailed when your book comes out please, kamLcooper@yahoo.com. Thanks, can”t wait to buy it!
Just found your site, and can’t wait to get the e book.
Best of luck to you with all of your new adventures
I would like to be emailed when your book comes out please
please add me to your email list
Just found your site, and can’t wait to get the e book. xx : )
I, too, just found your site. Please email me when your book is available! I have a huge buffet sitting on my front porch awaiting “revisioning”!
Just getting into using Annie Sloan Paint….really Marvelous!
Aren’t you a doll to share your tips…
Just starting out. Thanks for the tips
Hi Please include me:)
Please include me on your email list. I’m looking forward to getting your e-book! Thank you!
Would love the ebook carrie_hotwheels@yahoo.com
Please add me to your email list !
Love this and would be honored to be on your email list….
Would love the ebook but am unable to even access the preview pages. Please add me to your email list.
you are amazing! would love your emails! thanks so much for all that you share with us!
I would love to be on your email list also. I am looking forward to your e-book!!!
just discovered your blog..LOVE! please add me to your email list. Thx!
I just happened on to your blog and you’ve inspired me. I’m looking forward to learning more about the chalk paint and other products and techniques you are well acquainted with. Please add me to your mailing list. Thank you!
So inspiring… cant wait to start all the projects that have been in my head. now to bring them to life.
Very interested. Please add me to the mailing list.
Love the videos. Just what I was looking for.
Can’t wait to try some of this myself. I’ve done several crackle finishes but this looks like it’s much easier and more fun.
Please put me on your E-mail list. can wait for your book
Hi, I’d love to be a part of your mailing list and receive your Ebook as well! Thanks so much for the wonderful inspiration!
I just read your guest post on MMS and I love your style. Cant wait for the ebook!!!
Looking forward to you ebook . I am anxious to try this chalk paint on some piecies of old furniture that I have.
Love to have the info, thanks for inspiring. 🙂
I would love to be on your email list and I am excited about your eBook!
Thanks for sharing – can’t wait to get started. Please add me to your email list.
Would love it if you would add me to your email list… Love what you do.. How do I get the e-book?
Love it! Love it! Love it!
Please add me to your email list!