

What is it about the holidays that just makes me more present? Are you that way?  I just find myself purposefully slower, savoring more, playing quickly and baking even quicker.  I’m happier to put work aside to watch a movie or snuggle with some little person....
Christmas Entry (keeping it simple)

Christmas Entry (keeping it simple)

Well, it took me long enough. I began decorating for Christmas the day after I turned in the book, maybe even before.  But I finally got my act together and began snapping pictures of our decorations. My newfound (as of a few years ago) philosophy for Christmas...
How To Make Wood Slice Ornaments

How To Make Wood Slice Ornaments

Good morning, lovelies! I’m in official book-crunch mode, and have finished every single one of the 75 book projects (hear me roaring/squealing/beating my chest), and have moved on to writing the rest of the book. Yes, that’s me: writing 40 tutorials in...