Schoolhouse Light

Schoolhouse Light

It seems like there are phases when we feel like tackling the small or mundane projects.  Matt has been on it lately (thank you, babe), and we’re slowly getting some of those little things knocked off of our to-do list like laying thresholds in the doors,...
Pool House Makeover

Pool House Makeover

Today is filled with organizing and preparing the playroom for school.  I’ll be filing and sorting and tossing old worksheets and getting puzzle pieces reunited. It’ll be the best and worst kind of day.  Worst in that I’m sure I’ll step on a...
In The Shop

In The Shop

One of the most exciting things about owning a shop is getting in new products. It’s like Christmas morning when those boxes come in.  We got a large shipment of pillows in last month, and I cannot wait to get them all listed online.  Seems like these days that...