May I suggest an excellent afternoon activity?
Find yourself a public library, or a great local bookstore, and get lost in the stacks of the children’s section.
I’m serious.
There is something magical about being transported into stories for the child’s mind. It awakens a part of you that may have been quieted for some time. You’ll smile softly, stifle hushed giggles, and you will feel something.
I spent the afternoon at the campus library with my family a few weeks ago, and it may be my new favorite afternoon activity. I got swept into traditional Chinese folk tales and I could hardly put it down. There is something about getting lost in the stacks to select a book you only have a certain amount of time to relish.
If you find yourself in a bookstore, don’t buy anything. I know, blasphemy. But don’t.
Sit with the titles, take pictures of your favorites, but don’t buy them. Open one up and get lost. Then another and another…unless you find a really great read.
Of course, you can hit the art section or the home decor aisle, or fictional tittles….but do me a favor ok? At least save thirty for the children’s stacks. At least.
What are your favorite children’s books?? What do they make you feel? I have hardly been able to throw away one title since my kids were born, so clearly, I need to add to our library. 😉
A favorite activity of mine, visiting books stores and libraries. I love to look an feel the books. Children’s books are enchanting. Thank you for sharing.
I know it, they are!! Thank you for reading along! 🙂