I’m sitting here on the couch in my living room that I’ve fallen in love with again, staring into the sweet eyes of my little girl.  My mind is preoccupied….with what, I’m not sure.  Do you ever get that feeling?  Weighed down…just kind of heavy?
Don’t get me wrong; I know when I feel this way, it’s satan trying to make me feel inadequate…unsure, lost.
And I am not lost.
I’m anything but that, but still….
do you ever get that feeling?
When that feeling starts creeping inside of me, it’s usually a matter of balance.  I’m usually either doing too much to further my intellect, career, passions, talents, dreams, etc. and not spending enough time as a God-purposed mom or I’m doing the opposite…spending that time as a mom, but feeling a little, well, blah.
Am I the only one that feels like that some days? 
Also, now that I’m on myself, why do I compare myself to others so frequently?
About my weight, my clothes, my earthly success, my creativity, my writing, my church, my family……
It’s SO dangerous to do that.  But I continue doing it.  I feel a little like Paul…”what I do not want to do I keep on doing…” (Romans 7)
:Like I said, random thoughts.
I don’t know…..don’t you just sometimes feel in a rut?  Or, if you’re like me, you’re so excited about everything you’ve got going on that you’re too impatient to start all of it or to wait for something to complete itself.  That’s it!!! 
That’s the problem.  I’m TOO IMPATIENT.
I want to already be published, already have children that love the Lord with all their hearts, already want to have lost all this baby weight, already opened my own shop with my creations and repurposed treasures…so many things to accomplish and I sometimes feel defeated when they’re not all done.
Anyway,  just a funky day for me.  Don’t worry, I’ll be over it tomorrow.