My #1 Tip for Mixing Milk Paint

My #1 Tip for Mixing Milk Paint

I have learned to love milk paint. I have to admit that though my sweet friend, Marian, was coming out with her own line of milk paint  over a year ago, and I was excited for her and to try it, milk paint was not my favorite medium to work with.  I didn’t...

MMS Milk Paint Contest Winner

Well, friends, thank you for your patience. As of yesterday, I completed my manuscript. I can’t even describe how I feel today.  Hopefully my “regular normal” will resume soon, and the posting schedule around here, too! Without further adieu, the...
Milk Paint Dresser Makeover

Milk Paint Dresser Makeover

I have a new love. It’s not chocolate, and it’s not shoes, and it’s not even throw pillows. It’s Milk Paint.  Marian’s Milk Paint, to be exact. I always liked milk paint, but I had not used it enough to really love it.  I wanted to carry...